Saturday, 10 March 2012

Mother Earth, a human body…
A thought engulfs me today-
“we, the living creatures, are all cells of ‘Mother Earth’ to perform a particular function and that we are all inter-related and united by one mystical force.”.
The thought gradually spreads its roots to the depths of my conscience. If Earth be compared to a human body and we to the cells, then it would hint at the fact that disharmony between any two cells could disrupt the functioning of earth itself.

Just the way conflict or rather disorder in a single cell goes unnoticed, so the conflicts and little brawls we have with our friends and other people do not really affect earth on a large scale. Now, just as biological properties ascend from the lower to the higher order, i.e-
Cells àtissuesàorgansàorgan systemsàorganism,
So even the constituents of earth are classified accordingly, where:
Cells                     - individual human beings,
Tissues                - communities and interest groups,
Organs                - states in the country,
Organ systems  - countries, and
Organism           - earth itself!

Thus, it goes this way that conflict between two individuals goes unnoticed as they do not pose any real threat to earth, i.e., to say, damage on a large scale to the parent body. Likewise, when conflicts arise between two communities (say, religious) or interest groups, some notice-able disruption does occur. Inter-state conflicts are to shatter the workings of an organ system while conflict between organ systems shall shatter and crumble the organism itself- destroy the earth itself.

A number of cells die everyday just the way a number of individuals die everyday. Nothing is permanent. Everything is bound to face the brunt of oblivion. Even earth shall die someday, grow cold and lifeless. We all shall die someday. But does that hinder us from indulging in comfort and trying to live a healthy life? If the answer is no, then a pertinent question that’s hangs in the void of dubious speculation is, “why then do we put earth in so much of discomfort and disease and disorder?”

Earth is now analogous to that age of a human being which marks the transience from adolescence to adulthood.  The early ages were filled with the innocence and ignorance of a new-born baby. And then man started learning new things, invented fire, beliefs and as the innocence of a child began to wane, crept in evils like jealousy and insecurity.  This was followed by questions and answers, scientific inventions and developments- the Renaissance, the education of the child, the dawn of its rationality! Just as emotions start budding as the infant crosses a certain age, so also earth has passed through changing emotions which has ultimately found its finest expressions in the great literary productions through the ages. But as a child grows up and starts forgetting the innocence and brightness of childhood- lured by the irresistible temptations around, so also earth has fallen into chaotic hours of adolescence and corruption- adamant like a teenager, often displaying futile courage, fighting!

We have often heard of stories when young boys and girls have wasted their time and life in the wrong things; that they have fallen into love and been betrayed; that they have done something wild under the cunning of surging emotions, little knowledge and ignorance of the higher truths of life. Earth has had a bad adolescence! The world wars showed how cruel could the organ sytems get, hardly realizing that they were damaging themselves ultimately. Earth fell into depression- but we had our philosophers, saints, spiritual leaders who finally showed us the futility of colonial rivalry and taught us the tenets of compassion and tolerance.

Question is, “Has earth learned from its past?” or rather “have the oragns realized the futility of war for superiority, or shall they, oblivious of past wounds, begin a war again?” I wish countries wouldn’t fight for supremacy. Each country is equally important with its own culture, beauty, history and myths. Let each of us value the other, respect others’ culture and live in harmony.

Maybe someday, we shall grow up and stop fighting and gradually attain that realm of tranquility where fraternity is celebrated outside the pages of the constitution as well for if the disruptions continue unabated, earth is bound to have a  nervous-breakdown and a frustrated earth shall be left with no option but to resort to an early premature demise- a suicide!


  1. this time there's no denying it...i have read your posts since day 1 but chose to refrain from commenting... but this one has really impressed me...u have interwoven logic and emotion in a superb fashion...the personal and impersonal has blended well...keep it up...eagerly waiting for the next one...

  2. extremely thought - inspiring :)an well written of course :) :)
